We just came home from Teenstreet. We are translating on that big teenager conference for eight years now. As we had a good time working alongside Josh and Debs Walker a new thought arose. What about going to Houston/ Texas for a year and support them in their ministry. The Walkers are doing a mentoring program for young Christians and they are also heavily involved in a project for the homeless in Houston. They themselfes rescued a little boy from the streets. He is four years old by now and was adopted into the family.
We know the Walkers since years and we always have a great time doing ministry together. We love their hearts and their ability of communicating the truth. They are great people and we know that we could learn and grow a lot working alongside of them. I just did some research on their church and the projects they do. It made me pretty excited and i also cried a little.
Well, this is now a totally new direction we are looking into. Up to now I saw us in a small remote african village with a lot of dark little kids. We still think it would be an amazing experience to go to Uganda.
Whereas in Houston we know the people we work with. We know them well and we know their hearts. And it´s great to work under people you share the same heart with....
So where to go, what to do... we don´t know....
Please pray for us and tell us whenever you have any impression about our mission.
We will leave to Sweden on Monday. One week of horse back riding, camping, bond fires and nature. Thats a good place to be to have God speak to you, I guess.
God bless you
Thanks for your concern