Here in Texas we have a smaller place to live, not so much to take care of anymore.... we have less responsibilities..... there is less pressure on us..... we have less friends we can spend time with (which we are sad about).....
all these changes make it easier for me to be like Mary, and i enjoy it so much!
At the same time i am thinking about how I can keep the Mary- attitude when i am back in Germany.
So what was special about Mary? She was sitting down and spending time with Jesus, while Martha freaked out to make all the arrangements she thought needed to be done to make it nice and comfortable and special for the people around her.
I guess this is a mistake a lot of us are doing, especially in this Christmas season, but basically all throughout the year. We spend huge amounts of money, time and energy in decorating our house and our garden. We buy gifts, bake cookies, cook meals, and before we know it we are totally stressed out and tired when we are actually supposed to be full of Joy and Peace and Thankfulness. On top of that we get angry because the people around us do not acknowledge all the hard work we are doing to make this season beautiful for them.
Let us not fall into that trap. Let us keep the important things in mind.
If you spend your day cleaning the house it will be dirty again next week. But playing and cuddling with your children will make them remember the beauty of christmas for always.
Get all the christmas presents you need in one afternoon may be very effective, but walking through town with your loved one or your friends will give you lasting memories.
Getting up early to have everything prepared before the day starts might be a great idea. But getting your soul prepared to really cherish life and love God and people might be even better.
In the culture we are living in it is really difficult to be a Mary. We have so much to do and in addition to that we have so much to distract us with. Our two hours of free time each day are easily absorbed with Facebook and TV. But let us all fight for the Mary within us. Let us keep her alive.
Samstag, 4. Dezember 2010
Kommentare zum Post (Atom)
was bitte ist Weihnachtsdekoration? ;)
AntwortenLöschenich bin heute auch mal wieder eine Maria... und es ist sehr schön. :)
cool,hope the lord give us more and more a heart like mary. We miss you. dietmar
AntwortenLöschendas hast du ganz prima gesagt. waehrend ich so deinen blog lese, meine ich, dass du eines tages noch ein buch schreiben wirst, weil du hast viele herausfordernde dinge zu sagen, die andere auch lesen sollten :)
AntwortenLöschenwuensche dir ganz viel von gottes gutem segen!
Ich glaube, hier ging es nicht um das Arbeiten im Haushalt, was eine Sache war, die die Frauen damals tun mussten.
AntwortenLöschenSondern es ging darum, dass sie ausnahmsweise (bei Jesus vielleicht nicht als Ausnahme, sondern als Regel) dem Meister zuhören und daraus lernen durfte.
Solche Sachen waren, soweit ich weiss, damals eigentlich den Männern vorbehalten.
Ich mag nicht ganz richtig liegen, das weiss ich nicht. Aber das war damals eine völlig andere Gesellschaft, mit der heutigen nicht vergleichbar. Man kann nicht von heute auf damals projizieren, da muss man sehr vorsichtig sein.
Lieben Gruss, ich hoffe, niemand fühlt sich angegriffen. Es ist ja auch richtig, wenn man durch die Bibel zu einem achtsamen Leben kommt.