Freitag, 28. Januar 2011
another real funny one
and this time jenna looks out of teh window and sees this mustang convertable with roof open next to us...
"Hahaha, look Daddy, Auto kaputt, hahaha..."
these girls r the best...
Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011
Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011
giving and asking
But today something occured to me: Jesus also commands us to aks. "Ask and it will be given unto you". And this is what we all need to learn.
Everyone is living very much independent. You oftentimes rather drive half an hour to a store to buy some milk you need instead of going to your neighbour to ask for some.
People are so comfortable to give but also so uncomfortable to receive. Nobody wants to be needy or dependent, nobody wants to show signs of weakness or inadequacy.
I guess we all need to learn to be able to do both: to give but also to receive. We need to be generous and compassionate to see the needs around us but we also need to be humble and real to acknowlege our own needs and let God and other people meet them.
Samstag, 15. Januar 2011
please be praying now for the Visa process to confirm this descision...
thanx guys...
also here's my second movie clip I've done for the ministry's here...
enjoy and please tell me what I should do better next time...
... other than the making sure to get better footage material with better sound... that I figured out by now... :-(
thanx for your comments...
Joshua House @ Bethel Ranch
Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011
Love them..... to the end
(Jesus) loved his own who were in the world. He loved them to the end.
Are you tired sometimes to love "your own"? The ones God has entrusted to you? Your spouse, your kids, your best friends, your parents- Those you know best....
Do you sometimes feel like you are investing without getting much in return? Is it difficult for you to love, because you know about all the faults, sins, failures of that person? Does it seem too dangerous for you to love, because you´ve been hurt before?
At the end of his life here on earth Jesus was betrayed by one of his closest friends. Another one denied him. They all were too weak, too scared, to stay by his side till the end. But despite of their failings he loved them to the very end. He did not stop loving them out of frustration and dissapointment.
There are days when i am just tired of taking care of my girls. Those days when they constantly fight, when they are complaining even though i actually wanted to bless them. When they seem to do the same stupid things over and over again. When they do not show the slightest sign of thankfulness for the meal i cook for them, for the games i play with them and for the various times i help them to settle a conflict.
But despite of that I NEVER want to grow weary loving them. And i constantly want to show them this love through my actions and my investments. I want to actively love those God has entrusted to me in the battles and strains of everyday life.
To the very end..... Because once it has ended there will be no return.
Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011
Rettung in Not
Dieser Mann ist in Gottes Augen unendlich wertvoll. Wir dürfen unsre Augen nicht vor solchem Elend verschliessen. Schau dich um. Wem kannst du heute in seiner Hoffnungslosigkeit, in seinem Elend, begegnen? Wende deinen Blick nicht ab.....
thoughts... by chriss
deutsch unten
John 9:1-3
Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.
John 11:1-4
Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. Therefore the sisters sent to Him, saying, "Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick." When Jesus heard that, He said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it."
Sickness, even from birth unto death, to be for the glorification of God?!
Is this a concept that we can actually believe in?!
For all of us sickness is something bad, right? Something you don’t want to have. Something to be avoided as much as possible.
And then when we have it, to get rid of as fast as possible, because it limits us, drags us down, stops us from doing what we want to do. Especially if it’s a sickness that limits us for a long time, maybe it’s something the Lord has allowed in our lives from birth. Or maybe it’s one of those sicknesses that very often bring death…
And right here in these two passages, Jesus himself brings a different view point into suffering through sickness. It’s God’s view. God doesn’t necessarily see our sickness as a limitation, but maybe as a chance for his glory to be revealed! An Opportunity for Him to come in and show his greatness!
Do we allow Him to do so?
Would we even see a sickness as an opportunity for Him to reveal his glory?
Would we even come to the point to embrace our weaknesses maybe through a sickness to death because God could glorify himself through it?
Why would God allow so much pain in a families life, that their son would be born blind, and stay blind for at least 30 years, (9:23 “at age” > 30 years) only to reveal God works on him?
Or would God allow death in a family to glorify himself?
Yes, to both scenarios!
Yes God would allow sickness and suffering to glorify Himself!
And Yes, God will also do that in our lives!
Would I be fine with that?
Would I want that?
Will I allow God to use my life, or even my health to glorify himself if He thinks it’s the right thing to do?
This sounds really challenging, but it comes down to the point of submission. Absolute submission to the God of the universe!
Is your life His?
Do you trust Him with your life, or even the life of your loved ones?
Do it and you will see the great and glorious things of God revealed in your life!
Deutsch: Gedanken... von Chriss
Johannes 9:1-3
Und Jesus ging vorüber und sah einen Menschen, der blind geboren war. Und seine Jünger fragten ihn und sprachen: "Meister, wer hat gesündigt, dieser oder seine Eltern, dass er blind geboren ist?" Jesus antwortete: "Es hat weder dieser gesündigt noch seine Eltern, sondern es sollen die Werke Gottes offenbar werden an ihm."
Montag, 3. Januar 2011
book recommendation
Here´s the introduction, that made me want to read this book. If that speaks to you as well: Get it, read it, and then let´s talk about it.
So here is a quote out of the introduction:
For many people, religion provides answers to the big questions of life. For others, the absolute claims of religion raise more questions than they answer. I have lived on both sides, and in some senses, i still do. My path of faith has wandered through both doubt and belief, often at the same time.
Doubt doesn´t have to tear down belief, however; it can purify it. When it does, the beliefs on the other side become more certain. This is why i would like to affirm that it is possible to find God while you are still asking the big questions.......
The title of the book is "Finding God in the questions" and it is written by Dr. Timothy Johnson.