Die Familie bei der wir leben, ist grossartig. Sie haben 3 Pflegekinder, die schon einiges durchegmacht haben und manchmal recht herausfordernd sind, um die sie sich aufopferungsvoll kümmern. Und sie haben es so auf dem Herzen uns hier zu segnen und einen guten Start zu geben.
Heute mittag haben wir mit Debs unsere vorraussichtliche Wohnung besichtigt. Direkt an einem See gelegen, eigentlich als Sommerresidenz gedacht. Unglaublich schön.
Alles fügt sich eins aufs andere zusammen und wir sind einfach nur überreich gesegnet.
Wir lieben das Wetter. Jennas hat in den letzten Wochen wieder viel gehustet und es hat sich in der kurzen Zeit hier schon gebessert.
Heute abend sind wir wirklich, wirklich müde.
Gute Nacht, liebe Freunde
english below:
I can't believe it's only 7:30. This day seemed like 4 to me. At 5 o'clock in the morning two girls that were wide awake jumped into our bed and talked us into taking a morning walk. We spent the day in a house full of sweet children. Jenna Mae is doing terrific, and she often has one of those hysteric shriek attacks that she gets when she is especially excited. She loves the big Labrador that jumps up on her and licks her every time she sets a foot outside the door. She loves the little cute kittens, that are meant to get rid of the snakes here. And she loves the many children, that run around the place happily and wildly. Kimmy is having a little trouble with the language. Yesterday evening it was noticeable that she was a little confused because nobody understood her. But she has been making quite a progress over the day, and we are confident that she will soon have overcome the barrier of speaking English.
The family that we are staying with is wonderful. They have three foster children, that have already gone through a lot and can be quite challenging at times, for which they care in a sacrificing way. And they really have it on their heart to bless us here and to give us a good start.
Today at noon we inspected our prospective home with Debs. Situated right next to a lake, it is meant to be a summer residence. Amazingly beautiful.
Everything is falling into place one by one, and we are just abundantly blessed.
We love the weather. Jenna had been coughing more in the last few weeks and it has already been getting better in the short time we've been here.
Tonight we are really, really tired.
Good night, dear friends.
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